Blazor Passing variables to Strawberry Shake Components in Blazor How to pass an integer variable to a Strawberry Shake Component in Blazor
Blazor Strawberry Shake in Blazor I´m currently working on a Blazor project fetching data with StraberryShake from a HotChocolate Fusion Gateway and I'm loving it.
C# Deploying docker image to Azure with yml and bicep through Github Actions How to deploy a Blazor Server with PostgreSQL docker image and infrastructure to Azure using GitHub Actions
C# Func and Action delegates The post contains information on the differences of Func/Action delegates and custom delegates. Hopefully it will give you enough code examples to make you a master in their usage.
C# The Dependency Injection Jungle This is a short overview of IoC (inversion of control), DI (dependency injection) and DI containers I was asked to do for my colleagues at work. In this post there is no code at all but lots of links and explanations.
C# Simple use of Events I'm working a lot with events and delegate at work these days so I thought I should take a better look at them and try to explain a simple usage of events as best I can
Tips&Tricks Safe casting with is Just a short post on some pattern matching in C# 7 that my coworker pointed out to make code cleaner and easier to read. I had looked at pattern matching but not really used it exept in a switch statement.